
Tuition & Fees

All students enrolled at a CSU campus pay a systemwide tuition fee, in addition to campus mandatory fees. The CSU makes every effort to keep student costs to a minimum.

Set by the Board of Trustees, systemwide tuition is charged at the same rate per academic year at each CSU campus.

Current Academic 
Year Tuition

2024-25 Academic Year

Campus Mandatory Fees​

Each campus is authorized to charge campus-based fees in addition to systemwide tuition.

See Campus Fees

Student Success Fees

These campus mandatory fees are used to enhance the academic experience on select campuses.

Learn More

Comparison Institution ​Rates

See how the CSU's low tuition rates stack up against 15 comparison institutions.

Learn More​​​

Fee Policies and Process

Details about Executive Order 1102, including FAQs, reporting requirements and an index of common campus fees.

Learn About Fee Policies